Keitt Institute Glossary

Participants can expect a personalized, respectful, reflective, and engaging environment in all of our experiences.

Learning Journey

Powerful, engaging environments for people who are serious about learning from thought leaders within the disciplines of emotional development and well-being. These experiences journey with participants for several sessions. They are for groups of various sizes and are designed to help people grow faster, perform at higher levels, understand themselves more deeply, and live with greater purpose and fulfillment.


A phrase coined to describe Dr. Jennifer Keitt’s unique presentation style. As a cross between a high-powered keynote and an engaging seminar, a keynar™ will provide your group with a one-of-a-kind experience only found at the Keitt Institute.


A phrase coined to originally describe Dr. Jennifer Keitt’s approach to breakout sessions. We now use this term for our short webinars. We give you one key point and steps you can take to elevate, transform, and thrive!

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